We build our courses in partnership with technology leaders and apply to industry needs. These technologies make up the most innovative sectors of automotive care technology. Such developments are opening the need for mechanics specifically trained in this new and challenging technology
The Coade Chemical Products
Using Chemical provided by Neaten is the most convenient & accurate way to deliver a clean , dry and shiny car glitter like Solitaire. The goal of an automotive detailing professionals is to make a car as beautiful on the outside as it is on the inside
The coade provides a comprehensive portfolios of Automobile Cleaning & Detailing chemicals .Our Shampoos , Chemicals and Cleaning products are environmentally friendly and give superior wash and detailing effects .
Machineries & Equipments
Neaten offers automobile specifically cars cleaning and detailing concepts that are tailored to the specific requirements of car wash, Detailing Workshops.
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Detailing Chemicals
All cleaners consist of two primary components: water and surfactants. Water is water, and a surfactant is soap. It is an agent that makes removal of dirt .
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We build our courses in partnership with technology leaders and apply to industry needs. These technologies make up the most innovative sectors of automotive care technology. Such developments are opening the need for mechanics specifically trained in this new and challenging technology
After Successfully completing this course Participants get a certificate Automotive Detailing & Entrepreneurship . Student skilled with below mentioned learning outcome
- New Batche Starting from 27 February
Become a Better Detailer
Starting your detailing journey is easy…
1. Schedule Your Classes
Review our Programs and choose the ones that best fit your goals.
2. Attend
Absorb as much knowledge as you can during your time at our studio in New Delhi
3. Prosper
Enjoy your new detailing skills and perform better work, more efficiently!
In This Session we will discuss the science behind these coatings in our training for the first part of the day and how to offer Ceramic Coatings to your customers. The rest of the Training will be Hands-On Paint Correction , Ceramic Coating, Self Healing Coating and Graphene Coating . This is where our Students will learn how to fine-tune their Paint Correction skills to ensure complete correction prior to applying the Ceramic Coatings.
- 1st Batch Date: 13 February
- 2nd Batch Date: 27 February
Welcome to the Coade Detailing Training studio , we understand that in order to provide world class detailing training studio environment should be built like that . Studio is divided in two part . One section for the prep, which creates dust but requires a different type of lighting and studio color to spot defects in the surfaces of vehicles, We then have our second section for the application of coatings & Paint Protection Film (PPF) which again have a different light set up and studio color to highlight imperfections in coatings & PPF.
2000 square Feet Area for Training
Its Designed wide range of features, such as complex lighting, Air conditioning & humidity control as well as disabled access so anyone can use our services
Visually esthetic theory class room fitted with technology gadgets to train students
We have the studio painted dark in order to keep any reflections in the paint to a minimum which then allows us to use different light sources to highlight any problem areas and specific imperfections in different surfaces of the vehicle.
Send Your Details
Share your name and contact details with our team so that our counselors can guide you on the best course for your needs.
Select Course
After discussing in detail with our car detailing experts, you can choose a course that best suits your business or career goals.
Join & Start
Once you have selected a course, it is now time to join our class and start your journey to becoming a great car detailing expert!
The Coade Gallery
100 + Trained Detailers operational
in India, Nepal and Bangladesh.
12 years experience in Car Care
Business Development
Certified Trainers undergone
training in Japan
International Detailing Association
Training on Improvised Equipment, tools
and Gadgets
Info-graphical representation in
Theoretical Programs